Sunday, November 30, 2008 @ 12:07 AM
Nan Hua Symphonic Band Presents..
FRI 5 DEC 2008 7.30PM NUS HIGH SCHOOL HALL FOC (Tickets required)
*Interested parties, please contact Sheryl, or leave a tag at tagboard below to get a ticket for admission.
Saturday, November 15, 2008 @ 9:53 PM

In the Boss' handwriting itself.
Remember to do.. Or else you will dieeeee very cham-ly (metaphorically) :P
@ 9:42 PM
Hey guys,
there's a new concert coming up.
YST percussion ensemble concert with Robert Van Sice at YST Concert Hall on Wednesday 19 November 7.30pm Free of charge
if you guys can make it, pls go=)
Wen Jun:D
Thursday, November 13, 2008 @ 11:28 PM
Band Issues and homework on Mozart
Dear Band members, Please be informed that there is homework on Mozart. The deadline for it is next Tuesday and write it or type it out on a piece of A4 size plain paper. We will carry out the duty roster from the next practice onwards with immediate effect. Students absent from practice, starting from 23rd October, please produce a mc or parent's letter. Students who have not finish visitng the schools, please do so as early as possible.Thank you. JJC Wei Liang
Wednesday, November 12, 2008 @ 10:21 PM
So. Mr Lim said he wanted us to see the movie. So, go see it, here. FYI, there's no nudity, except in part 7 (i think?) where there's reputedly some female cleavage. However, youtube deleted that, to protect your innocent, or maybe not so innocent eyes. OK. Here we go. i've decided to be a nice person, and put it all in a playlist for you guys and girls :) Yes, you can discover your flair for spanish, with those subs. Have fun watching. It's actually pretty interesting. Mozart has a freaky/weird/endearing laugh. Don't get weirded out by it. OH YAH. Salieri and Mozart were actually reputedly friends, so don't hate on Salieri, or start any Salieri bashing. It's not his birthday lah.
SPOILER! if you didn't get the end: this is what happens God killed Mozart because he didn't want Salieri to get credit for what he didn't do. Salieri was going to kill Mozart, after he finished writing "Requiem", then take credit for writing Requiem so he could bask in Mozart's glory. So, Salieri says he was kept alive to be tortured and so he could never be as good as Mozart, and watch his music be forgotten, while Mozart's was remembered. So he says he is the "Patron Saint of Mediocrity". He "absolves" the modiocres of their mediocrity, and wrongdoing.
Funfact: Salieri taught many famous composers, including Beethoven, Carl Czerny Johann Nepomuk Hummel Franz Liszt Schubert, and Mozart's son. but don't quote me on this, this was from wikipedia. You know how unrealiable that source is.
P.S:Beware. Next week i will stalk all of you and put your unglam photos here, just for the heck of it. So put on your best face. LOL.
@ 7:57 PM
we're not going to yong siew toh conservatory tmr. so we'll be having practice as usual. seeya guys tmr! =)
Wen Jun:D
Saturday, November 8, 2008 @ 8:56 PM
Cellissimo Fri 14 Nov 2008 7.30pm Yong Siew Toh Conservatory of Music -Conservatory Concert Hall Free Admission
Homecoming - Lee Chin & Friends Tue 18 Nov 2008 7.30pm Yong Siew Toh Conservatory of Music -Conservatory Concert Hall Free Admission
Musical Evening (Crescent Girls') Fri 21 Nov 2008 7pm Yong Siew Toh Conservatory of Music -Conservatory Concert Hall $15
Franco-Anglo @ Esplanade Sun 23 Nov 2008 7.30pm Esplanade Recital Studio $25 (
OBOG Concert Thu 11 Dec 2008 7.30pm Yong Siew Toh Conservatory of Music Concert Hall
By default, contact Wenjun for further details unless otherwise stated~ (: